Blog Post

Storm Season is here!

  • By Aussie Emergency Glass
  • 24 Oct, 2018


Storms don’t just pose a threat to our homes; they also pose a threat to our physical safety. In Australia, storms are just a part of life. Every year we see havoc wreaked by lightning, flooding, strong winds and hail. So how do you stay safe in the storm season?

1. Be prepared

The Brisbane City Council has a great website to help you prepare CLICK HERE to see what you can do around your home

Preparation is key to reducing danger during a storm. Your storm preparation checklist should include:

  • A portable battery powered radio and torch along with spare batteries and a bulb.
  • A radio station list for emergency information. This link is for Brisbane, QLD Local station numbers only.
  • Waterproof matches, candles or a gas lantern.
  • A supply of fresh water and tinned food or other long lasting food.
  • A First Aid kit
  • Reasonable supplies of essential medication
  • Waterproof bags for clothing, certificates and valuables – keep the bag in a safe place and pack it in advance.
  • Mobile phone car charger.
  • Take out home and contents insurance – in the unlikely event that your home sustains significant damage as a result of storms or flooding. appropriate insurance is essential to mitigate financial loss.

2. Be aware

It is important to be aware of what can cause injuries during a storm.

Beware of dangers like:

  • Broken glass
  • Falling objects – e.g. branches, hail, house materials.
  • Dangerous snakes or spiders flushed out by flood waters.
  • Fallen power lines.
  • Dehydration.

3. Be Smart

One of the best things you can do in storm season is use your brain. This doesn’t mean you have to be a rocket scientist – you just need to stay calm and make safe and smart decisions.

“Remember, If It’s Flooded, Forget It”

Keep these contacts handy:
  • Aussie Emergency Glass - Glass Repairs :   1800 00 44 11   24/7/365 ,  Australia-wide
  • Emergency Call Service: 000
  • SES assistance in floods and storms: 132 500
  • Police attendance: 131 444 (all states except Victoria)
  • Also, you may download ‘disaster watch’ apps from Apple or Google Play stores

About Aussie Emergency Glass

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Call 1800 00 44 11

By Aussie Emergency Glass October 30, 2018
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